This blog hasn't been running long ( it was born March 21st) and it is the greatest way to get things off my chest. Because I suffer trich; I pull my eyelashes out. But not for long, no way. This is my written journey of how I said goodbye to trich!
My name is Gina. I'm British but have been brought up my whole life in Spain and consider myself very Spanish. I'm currently studying Journalism in college and one day hope to be big. Really big.
My problem with trich started when I was 7/8. I can't remember the date but I sure can remember the day I pulled out my first eyelash and it felt good. It was after a dance show I did in which all children were slathered in tons of make-up, as per norm. Finding the mascara annoying I tried taking it off and pop! Out came an eyelash. I know there must have been something else triggering at the time, something emotional (maybe the fact that my parents weren't at that show and it was my uncle and aunt), maybe something underlying and constant like my fathers shitty parenting; I don't know. What I do know is that that's when I started, and after I learn't the kid's myth that you can make a wish on an eyelash, I was completely lost: I was pulling eyelashes without even realizing it and wishing to go to Hogwarts when I was 11 (funny yet embarassing)!
I went to at least 5-10 different specialist doctors here in Spain but none of them had a clue: having sensitive skin, most atribuited it to the cheap mascara I wore at the dance shows. Looking back, I wish at least one of them had been bright enough to just consider that it was trich. But no chance. On trips back to the UK I visited my local GP who hadn't a clue what I had, just assured me that my eyes were even prettier like that and to stop worrying (I guess that cheeried me in a way) and also the child endocrinologist (well we had tried everything) who saved my life from a small tumour when I was younger. He also had no clue what it was but told my mother about a treatment available to restore lashes that unfortunately, would have a big effect on me: it would make my green eyes go brown. I've read about similar treatments on other bloggers pages and I'm not sure how well it works, but I wish I could just try it without that risk, I find it very annoying.
And that's about it. October 2011 I decided to search "I pull my eyelashes out" or something similar and discovered a whole world of people with the same problem as me. I told my boyfriend at the time, who was very supportive, and by January I had ridden up the courage to tell my mother and my bestfriend. Apart from my mother, brother, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and 3 exact friends in who I would confide my life, nobody else knows about my problem apart from this amazing blogging community. But this is what I aim for: being able to show people my blog one day. To say: Hey, yeah, I got rid of trich.
G xxxx
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